6 Spruce 6 Holly
Class teacher: Mrs Mattock Class teacher: Mrs Hadley
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Thompson and Mrs Fortune
PE days - Wednesday and Thursday
Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in the correct P.E kit on their P.E. day.
Spring Term Curriculum Focus
Children are expected to read as often as possible. Each time your child brings their reading diary into school and it has been signed by an adult at home, they will receive reading points. The class with the most points will be announced in Friday assembly and will be rewarded with extra break time!
Remember - the more times you read, the more chances you will have!
Year 6 children have weekly spellings to learn for a test on Friday. The words are spellings which could feature in their SATs in May. The spellings are posted on Class Dojo each week.
English and Maths
Children will be expected to complete a reading comprehension, grammar and maths tasks weekly for homework.
This term, we are learning about Ancient Egypt. Follow these links to find out more:
Can I locate Ancient Egypt in time and place?
How was Ancient Egyptian society structured?
How did Ancient Egyptians make best use of the River Nile?
How did agricultural advances support their civilisation?
What was the role of the scribe and why is it important today?
Helping your child at home.
Here are some links for some educational games which will help your children with their in school learning.
Rollama and Times Table Rockstars
Please speak to your child's class teacher if you need the log in details for these apps/websites.
Hit the Button
Daily maths practice
Sentence Doctor
KS2 past SAT papers
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