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Henley Green

...itโ€™s our place to shine!


Year 5

5 Sycamore: Miss Graham              

5 Hazel: Miss Boughton


Teaching assistants: Miss Cowley, Mrs Begum and Mrs Starkey





PE day - Thursday 

Please make sure children come to school in the morning in their P.E. kit on their P.E. day. 

Children will be awarded DOJO points for perfect P.E. kit.




Helping your child at home


We practise different spelling rules on a weekly basis and home tasks will be posted on Class dojo so the children can practise at home. Here is a copy of the Year 5/6 words that the children are expected to spell by the end of Year 6.




Times Tables

Children will have a weekly times tables test. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables as often as possible. Logins for Times Table Rockstars are in the front of their reading records. 





Reading is the key to be able to access all areas of our learning.

At Henley Green 'We Read Everyday!' 

Please can you send your child's signed reading record in every day to show that they have read.  ๐Ÿ“š


Your child will receive a reading point for every signed entry in their reading record. Points make... extra break time!

Click the links below to practise your skills and expand your knowledge:

If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 02476613163.