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Henley Green’s our place to shine!



Henley's our place to shine!

At Henley Green we follow the Coventry & Warwickshire Religion and Worldviews Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.


At Henley Green we encourage our children to explore Religion and Worldviews of many kinds, both religious and non-religious through the academic disciplines of theology, philosophy and human and social science. The Worldviews syllabus ensures our pupils encounter ‘people in real life’ who are inhabiting their religion or worldview through a diverse range of lived experiences and expressions. Children regularly reflect and review their own personal worldview.

Year 4's Ramadan display

Year 3 had a trip to the Risen Christ church this week. They have been looking at prayers in their RE lessons. At the church they did a fun activity looking at the different types of prayers. 


This term we celebrate Ramadan and Easter at Henley Green.

Nursery's Christmas display.

Year 5's Harvest display

Year 1's Diwali display

Year 2's display about the Jewish festival Yom Kippur and Year 5's display about Harvest.

Year 4 and Year 2 RE displays.

Year 5's Yom Kippur display

As part of our RE lessons - we have been learning about the Jewish New Year. Here is some information to learn more about this special time for Jewish people.

Ramadan display by Year 6

If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 02476613163.