The Governing Body
Every school has a governing body to represent the public in the running of schools. School governors work with the staff and the Local Education Authority to help secure the best possible education for the children in the school. They have important responsibilities like managing the school budget, overseeing the curriculum and appointing staff.
What do school governors do?
School governors are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governing body meet regularly throughout the year and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and agree the school's budget. In other words, it's a very meaningful role!
All governors work with the school and none have declared any business or financial interests that could conflict with their role. Governors can be contacted via the school office and we always welcome new parents or individuals interested in working to move our school forward.
Governor meetings are held at least every term during which important areas of school improvement are discussed. Each Governor also has an area of the curriculum to monitor and reports on performance in this area through regular monitoring visits. Feedback from monitoring visits is used to challenge the school leadership team and is used to target areas for improvement to improve provision within our school.
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Henley Green Primary School adheres to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information please view or download the documents below.
If you have any cause to make a complaint to the school, please contact the Head Teacher.
Mrs Christine Lockwood
Chair of Governors
Responsibilities/Committees: Literacy, Curriculum, Well-being
Date Appointed: 24/01/2019
Appointed by: GB/Board
Term of Office: Start & End Date 24/01/2019- 23/01/2023
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Governance roles in other educational institutions:
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee)
Ms Grace Ibuka
Vice Chair
Local Authority Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: SEND, DEI, Training & Development, Assessment & Data
Date Appointed: 01/04/2022
Appointed By: Local Authority
Term of Office: Start & End Date 01/04/2022 - 31/032026
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee)
Mrs Rebecca Bond
Responsibilities/Committees: Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher.
Date Appointed: 01/09/2022
Term of Office: Start & End Date 01/09/2022 - Not recorded
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Jacqueline Shearer
Clerk of Governors
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee)
Mrs Gemma Sumner
Parent Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: PHSE, Safeguarding, Pupil Premium
Date Appointed: 03/04/2021
Appointed by: GB/Board
Term of Office: Start & End Date 03/04/2021 to 02/04/2025
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee)
Sam Millard
Co-Opted Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: RE, EYFS
Date Appointed: 06/10/2022
Appointed by: GB/Board
Term of Office: Start & End Date 06/10/2022 - 06/10/2027
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Governance roles in other educational institutions: TBC
Stacey Campbell
Staff Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Health & Safety
Date Appointed: 30/11/23
Appointed by: GB/Board
Term of Office: Start & End Date 30/11/2023 - 30/11/2027
Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:
Governance roles in other educational institutions: TBC