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Henley Green’s our place to shine!


Year 2


                2 Maple                     2 Pine

                          Class teacher: Mrs Nahal                           Class teacher: Miss Windmill

Teaching assistants: Mrs Shetra and Miss Clough        Teaching assistants: Mrs Shetra and Miss Robson





 PE day - Wednesday

Please make sure children come to school in the morning in their P.E. kit on their P.E. day



We read every day at Henley Green. Please listen to your child read for at least 5 minutes and ask them questions about what they have read, then sign their reading record for them to bring in each day.


Your child will also need to practise their Math skills. They can log in to the Numbots site and log in using their details (stuck into reading diaries).

They can also use the Hit the Button game.

Math Skills Test: Wednesday

Curriculum Letter

Autumn 2 Termly Challenge!

This term we will be learning about continents and countries!  


Can you complete the activity below?

5 dojos as a reward!






If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 02476613163.