We strive, we learn, we achieve.
At Henley Green Primary School we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which excites, engages and enriches the children. Our Curriculum centres around developing children's skills and knowledge in all subjects.
The curriculum is centred around the National Curriculum and is progressive with the skills and knowledge the children acquire.
The curriculum and many subjects are delivered through many exciting cross-curricular Topics. Please have a look at our Curriculum map to see what your child will be learning this year.
At Henley Green we see the value and importance of enhancing and enriching the Curriculum through educational visits and visits. We map these to support the curriculum throughout the year for all children. Please take a look at our Enrichment Planner.
We will share photos of our exciting visits and visitors on our class Dojo pages as well. Make sure you take a look at your class!
SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) is woven throughout our curriculum and school ethos, alongside British Values and our Protected Characteristics.