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Attendance at Henley Green

Every minute matters and every school day counts!


At Henley Green we believe children will make progress by:

  • Taking pride in following our agreed code of conduct
  • Taking responsibility to be in school every day on time.
  • Taking an active role in rich and rewarding experiences.
  • Being appreciated and rewarded for achievements and successes.


In the event of pupil illness, it is important that parents/ carers contact the school office (02476 613 613) or FST mobile (07360 618409) to inform us of pupil absence by 9.15am at the latest. A member of the Family Support Team will contact parents/carers if school have not been informed.



To avoid any missed learning time, we ask that whenever possible, parents make medical appointments outside of school time. In the event that appointments have to be attended during the school day, for example for a hospital appointment, please bring any letters detailing the appointment to the school office and inform school at the earliest opportunity.



It is important that children arrive at school on time before 9.00am, gates open at 8.45am. Registers close at 9.00am, after which time, pupils will be marked as late. This can impact on pupil learning.


Attendance Awards

Each week, the class with the highest attendance receives the 'Attendance Award' in Celebration Assembly.

At the end of each term, those pupils with 97% attendance receive a special certificate in our Governor's Award Assembly. This allows for a short authorised illness. One of these children will be drawn out of our raffle box to receive the Attendance Award and the opportunity to receive a Smith's Toys Voucher.


NHS Guidelines for absence when your child is ill 

The document below has details of different illnesses and gives the NHS guidance for how many days your child needs off school if they are poorly. 

If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 02476613163.