The National Curriculum for Mathematics was changed in 2014. This is in place for all children in Years 1 to 6.
The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and nonroutine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Please click the link below to see the progression within key areas of learning in the maths curriculum. We will be striving to achieve these when working with your child at school and we appreciate any support you can give in supporting your child with these outcomes at home.
Our Vision
At Henley Green, we aim for our pupils to:
be confident and curious mathematicians who are enthusiastic about problem solving and ambitious and resilient when facing challenges.
build a deep conceptual understanding of maths and its interrelated content so that children can apply their learning in different situations.
see the purpose of their learning and its application and importance as a life skill.
be fluency and confidence in their recall and application of basic facts and to then be able to apply these to other areas of mathematics and the wider curriculum when solving problems.
select the appropriate operations, methods and equipment to support them in a range of situations.
think logically, systematically and accurately and to make efficient and creative choices.
have a secure understanding of mathematical vocabulary so that they are able to express their understanding and reasoning, ask questions and explore with confidence.
feel excited and enthusiastic about mathematics, leading them to be confident to take risks and developing a curiosity and fascination about the subject.
Through this intent, not only are the core aims of the National Curriculum developed (fluency, reasoning and problem solving), but we aim for children to develop a life-long enjoyment of mathematics so that they leave Henley Green as confident and curious mathematicians who like to be challenged.
Curriculum Design and Planning:
Our curriculum is based on three core principles: to provide learners with a deep conceptual understanding of mathematical principles, the ability to confidently communicate in precise mathematical language, while becoming mathematical thinkers. We are confident that if a pupil understands these core principles, they will be able to remember more and do more maths, within whichever context they encounter it.
Our detailed curriculum mapping for Y1-6 has been designed predominantely using the NCTEM Curriculum Prioritisation and Professional Development Materials, to ensure the curriculum is well sequenced and the learning is presented in small sequential steps covering all the National Curriculum Statutory requirements. Long term overviews are also continuously adapted to address the needs of the cohort based on annual feedback from staff on any gaps in learning for the cohort or any concepts requiring more development, this is then built into the next year’s planned coverage.
We also ensure that our pupils starting in Nursery are developing a positive, growth mindset towards maths, by them following a Master the Curriculum programme. This is then built on within EYFS where they follow the NCTEM Mastering Number programme, and this is enhanced with White Rose to ensure coverage of all areas of the EYFS Maths Curriculum.
Teachers plan lessons based on the long-term overview, using detailed Medium-Term plans which breakdown the objectives into small, sequenced steps. Teachers use their professional judgement to determine how long to spend on a particular objective, depending on feedback from previous ‘gaps in learning’ documents and daily formative assessment.
Calculation Policies:
To ensure that methods for calculating are taught consistently and build upon progressively across KS1 and KS2 there are calculation policies for both mental and written methods which are used by all colleagues. These include exemplified examples as well as resources that might be used alongside methods to support pupils’ conceptual understanding.
Fluency and arithmetic:
The NCTEM Mastering Number Programme is followed in EYFS for the main Maths lesson to help build firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children. This programme is then continued throughout KS1 and is run in addition to the maths lessons, where sessions are run for 10 minutes daily in the afternoons.
We also deliver the NCTEM Mastering Number KS2 programme, which runs as additional fluency session for 10 minutes daily in the afternoons in Years 4 and 5.
Throughout the school from Nursery to Year 6, pupil’s automaticity and recall of basic number facts are closely tracked to ensure they are in line with age related expectations. In EYFS, this includes key concepts such as developing one to one correspondence, subitising and identifying one more and one less. Children build on this in KS1 and develop their speed of recall of number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as all their addition and corresponding subtraction facts to 10 + 10. Throughout KS2, children develop fluency in recalling their times tables facts for all times tables to 12 x 12 and the related division facts. Those pupils that achieve this further extend their basic skills with a focus on using fractions, decimals and percentages.
In KS1, all pupils have access to Numbots both within school and at home to develop their skills of subitising and quick recall of addition and subtraction facts. Certificates are awarded to pupils as part of celebration assembly as they move through the Numbots levels. In KS2, pupils have access to Times Table Rockstars to develop their recall of times table facts. Regular 'Battle of the Bands' competitions are run to encourage pupil's engagement at home and the TTRS Soundcheck programme is also used within schools to support pupils progress in Years 3 and 4 towards the Multiplication Tables Check at the end of Year 4.
Teaching approach:
At Henley Green, we take a mastery approach to teaching Mathematics. The essential idea behind mastery is that all children develop a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning so that future mathematical learning is built on solid foundations.
Mastery in Mathematics encourages all pupils, regardless of ability, to think deeply and apply their skills to new, and increasingly complex situations. Precise questioning during lessons ensures that pupils develop fluent reasoning skills and provide opportunities to think critically about the underpinning mathematical concepts. Pupils are also expected to justify their mathematical understanding through reasoning. Children are given the opportunities to represent their calculations in a variety of ways, using pictorials, physical manipulatives and abstract methods to further deepen their knowledge of concepts. During lessons pupils are expected to identify and explain mistakes using mathematical vocabulary and explain their reasoning both verbally and in full written sentences. The inclusion of ‘Problems to Ponder’ during lessons ensures that pupils can develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
Due to a whole class, step-by-step teaching approach, our children move through the curriculum at broadly the same pace. As a result of spending more time on fundamentals, the children can establish firm foundations on which to build their understanding. Pupil’s who are unable to grasp the concepts as quickly as others are provided with scaffolded support during the lesson as well as same day reactive intervention where necessary. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are targeted with questions and more open-ended challenges within the lesson to allow them to explore the concept at a greater depth. Those pupils who are working significantly below age related expectations will be planned for separately within the classroom and work on objectives which will support their personal progress in Mathematics.
Outdoor Learning:
Where appropriate, teachers try to take the learning of Maths outside. Our children enjoy learning outside as it:
All children receive quality first mathematics teaching. In addition, as a second wave of support, a range of tailored intervention programmes is used across the school to support children who either have specific gaps in their learning or are failing to make adequate progress in mathematics. This includes making use of resources such as Number stacks as well as personalised programmes of support such as Power of 2. Reactive interventions also swiftly address common errors and misconceptions between lessons so that pupils enter the next lesson with confidence in their prior learning. Teachers and teaching assistants work together to plan and deliver interventions and the impact of interventions is regularly monitored by the Maths Lead and also through regular Pupil Progress Meetings led by the Senior Leadership Team. A third wave of support is in place for pupils who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs, with targets set through their Passports to Progress (P2P).
Day to day feedback is provided to pupils verbally, through teacher marking, peer marking and self-marking. This informs teaching for the next lesson. Any misconceptions that arise throughout the unit are identified and addressed. Children continue to recall their knowledge throughout a unit in order to ensure an alteration in long term memory. The curriculum provides sufficient opportunities for planned revisits of previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures; this is to ensure that, once learned, knowledge becomes deeply embedded in pupils’ memories.
To further support ongoing formative assessment teachers review pupils’ contributions in lessons, work in their books and attainment in end of unit tests.
We use the National Curriculum (2014) to assess out children’s learning, progress and attainment during the course of their time at Henley Green. They are assessed at three data collection points each year and this attainment is reported termly to SLT and discussed through pupil progress meetings, as well as shared with parents during parent’s evenings and the pupil’s written reports. The grids below are what we use at Henley Green to assess whether children are working at the expected standard for their age (EXS), working towards the expected standard (WTS) or below the expected standard (BLW). Sometimes, there may be children who find accessing the learning content for their year group difficult. On these occasions, children are assessed as working on the curriculum for another year group (OYG), and the corresponding assessment grids containing the year group's content that they are able to access will be used instead of the ones belonging to their chronological year group.
In Early Years, the statutory ‘Reception Baseline Assessment’ is undertaken within 6 weeks of children starting in Reception at Henley Green (for children joining mid-year, this is only undertaken if it has not been done in a previous setting). At the end of each term staff identify whether children are working at the expected standard for their age (EXS), working towards the expected standard (WTS) or below the expected standard (BLW) against their taught curriculum. In the Summer term, all EYFS parents are provided with a written report on every child’s attainment and progress, which in Reception will include the results of the EYFS Profile, where each child’s level of development is assessed against the Early Learning Goals in Number and Numerical Patterns and children are awarded a score of 1 (emerging) or 2 (expected).
At the end of Year 4, all eligible pupils take the Multiplication Tables Check (introduced as a compulsory test from 2020). This test is taken online, requiring pupils to answer 25 multiplication tables questions (up to 12 x 12) at pace, with up to six seconds per question to provide an answer. This test indicates whether pupils have succeeded in the National Curriculum expectation that:
'By the end of year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12-multiplication table and show precision and fluency in their work.'
At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6), all eligible pupils sit National Curriculum KS2 Mathematics tests in Arithmetic and Reasoning, which are mark externally. The results, returned to school in early July, demonstrate whether pupils are Working Towards the Expected Standard, have met the Expected Standard or are working at Greater Depth level.
Parental Engagement:
Parents are invited into school for Maths Workshops, where parents get the chance to see the calculation methods and resources that their child uses at their stage of learning. We also share ideas for how parents can support their child at home. Information is also shared regularly through Class Dojo by Class Teachers with parents, of pictures or photographs of the work pupils have been taking part in within Maths.
Click the links below to see the handouts form the Parent's Maths Workshop:
Coventry Building Society
Henley Green is fortunate to be one of only six schools linked to Coventry Building Society. Throughout the course of the year, representatives from Coventry Building Society come in to school to deliver sessions based around money and financial crime to Years 3-6, alongside trips for Year 5 to Coventry House and Year 6 to Coventry Belgrade Theatre to see 'Maths in Action'. Each year, a selection of pupils from Year 5 are also invited to the Coventry Building Society Arena to take part in a Mathematician of the Year Competition.
Our pupils make good progress in Maths, due to the carefully structured and sequenced curriculum, where learning builds on prior knowledge. The small coherent teaching steps within lesson means that all pupils are able to feel success with their learning. Through open questioning and encouragement to ‘talk maths’, we have fostered an environment where pupils are confident and able to use the correct mathematical language to explain their ideas. As problem solving and reasoning is interwoven into all lessons, pupils now have the opportunity to regularly develop their skills of applying concepts learned to new problems and unfamiliar situations. Teaching for mastery, has ensured that our pupils are able to recognise relationships and make connections for themselves by the pupils answering simple questions such as, ‘What do you notice?’, ‘What is the same?’, ‘What is different?’ Pupils leave Henley Green able to recall mathematical facts quickly. They enjoy maths and speak passionately about the subject and what they have been learning. Pupils leave the school, with the necessary skills required to achieve their potential during their secondary education and beyond. Ultimately, our pupils leave Henley Green as confident and curious mathematicians, who liked to be challenged!