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Henley Green’s our place to shine!



General admissions information

Community & Voluntary Controlled Primary Admission Policy 2022/23

Thank you for considering Henley Green Primary School for your child.  If you would like to speak to us before you apply, then please contact the school office on 02476 613163 to make an appointment. You can also find out more about all the fantastic opportunities the children are offered at Henley Green by looking at the class pages and the latest news. 


As well as primary school places, we offer places in Little Acorns for 2-3 year olds and Nursery for 3-4 year olds. 


Please read below for information on how to apply for a place at Henley Green Primary School.



Little Acorns (2yrs) & Acorns (3 and 4 yrs) Places for 2023-2024


15 hours a week for FREE*. Places available from September 2023.


If your child turns 2 years before 31st August 2023 they could start in Little Acorns from September 2023.


If your child turns is aged 3 years before 31st August 2023 they could start in Nursery from September 2023.


Please register your interest by completing an admissions form available at the school office.

*Funding checks will be carried out. Places will ONLY be offered to eligible claims in Little Acorns.

Please speak to the school office if you have any queries.

Early Education Funding Entitlement - Information for Parent/Carers


Reception Places for September 2024


If you would like to apply for a Reception place for September 2023 please click here. You can complete the application on line or collect a paper form from the school office.




Primary School Admissions 2023-2024


To request a place at Henley Green, please complete a transfer form, by clicking here or collecting a transfer form from the school office. Decisions regarding admittance to Henley Green are made by Coventry City Council using their Admission Policy which you can find a link for below.


If a place a Henley Green Primary School has been agreed by the Admissions Team at Coventry City Council you will be contacted by our Inclusion Team who will arrange a meeting. During this meeting you will complete admission forms, meet the teaching staff and have a tour of the school.


In Year Transfer Request for Primary School


If you would like to request a transfer from Henley Green to a different school, you need to request a school transfer. Please click here to complete an application or collect a transfer form from the school office.


Once you have returned your transfer form we will send it to Admissions and Benefits Team at Coventry City Council, who will inform you of their decision by letter.




School uniform is available from local stores such as Asda, Tesco or Lidl. 

Uniform with the school logo on is available from Cat Ballou.



School logo jumpers and cardigans are available to buy from Cat Ballou

Alternatively, plain green jumpers can be purchased from local shops such as Asda or Tesco. 



Children wear their PE kit to school on their PE day. 



Children need a school bag.

Any medium-sized bag which can fit books in is appropriate. 

School logo book bags can be brought from Cat Ballou







If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 02476613163.