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Our Curriculum
Our Intent, Implement and Impact statements have been developed through whole school CPD. These statements continue to evolve as we celebrate the wealth of experiences our children start school with and we strive to meet their changing needs.
Our 'Implement plans' outline how we deliver our curriculum. We use 'Development Matters' to ensure our teaching meets the needs of each child's age and stage. These documents are used to create focussed medium term plans for each half term.
Our 'Impact statement' ensures that we are reflecting on where our children are as learners and that the provision and teaching tightly matches their needs.
At Henley Green we use 'Development Matters' to ensure skills match the age and stage of our children. We have mapped out our 'Subject Coverage' to ensure that our children leave the Early Years with the skills and knowledge they need to access the Year 1 curriculum.
We recognise that our children need additional support with Communication and Language skills. To ensure that this area has a strong focus we have developed a plan using storytelling skills to offer them the best opportunities to make accelerated progress in this area.
Our Day
Here is a copy of our timetables which show the routines of our day. Our teachers regularly post on Class Dojo to give you updates on activities taking place in the settings.
Little Acorns Timetable
Nursery Timetable
Reception Timetable
Snack Time
All of the children have a daily snack.
There is a selection of fresh fruit and/or a buttered bagel and milk or water to drink.
Please ask you child's key person if you would like to know which fruit has been available for the session.
Reception children stay for lunch. There is a choice of a hot dinner or parents may wish to provide a packed lunch.
For children having a hot dinner, parents are asked to select the dinner choice from the menus.
For children having a packed lunch, we ask that parents pack a sensible amount of food that promotes healthy eating. No sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks please!
Supporting Behaviour
We use a range of strategies to support children to develop positive learning behaviours.
Our main strategy is the use of positive praise, rewarding children instantly for making good choices through the use of stickers, prizes and in Reception Dojo points.
When children need support with their behaviour, we follow our school behaviour policy, which has been adapted for our Early Years' children.