At Henley Green, we prepare our children from EYFS to Year 6 for a future in a modern world which is shaped by technology, knowing that many of our pupils are starting from an environment with low exposure to technology and low digital literacy. Having first encountered technological learning in our 2-year old provision and throughout EYFS, pupils leave in Year 6 having a solid grasp of all three strands of Computing - Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy - as specified in the National Curriculum. This education prepares them for further learning in KS3.
By the end of KS2, pupils will be able to: use a range of devices and applications; handle and store data; design, create and edit content; communicate using technology; stay safe online; understand moral and ethical behaviour when using technology; understand how digital systems work; apply programming skills, including coding.
We provide cross-curricular computing opportunities throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in every subject, which embeds and contextualises their knowledge and skills; through research using Computing skills, pupils also develop cultural capital. By the end of KS2, pupils will know that Computing is relevant and important outside of school and can apply the skills they have learnt to new environments.
We want our pupils to become competent digital citizens with a sound awareness of Online Safety and this underpins our curriculum from Reception onwards.
We aim for KS2 pupils to develop their leadership skills in Computing, enhancing their own subject knowledge whilst supporting others to do the same.
At Henley Green, we use modules from 'Teach Computing', designed by the NCCE (National Centre for Computing Education), as the basis for our Computing curriculum. The modules are progressive and sequence the learning of skills and knowledge to allow pupils to know more and remember more. We have tailored these modules to fit our timetable and the needs of our pupils. This allows us to achieve full coverage of the three strands of the Computing curriculum and ensures that all pupils have this knowledge by the time they leave KS2.
Computing is taught in discrete units through Computing lessons. Units of 6 lessons are taught in weekly lessons or blocked projects, as appropriate for that year group and unit. Each year group covers 3 units (Networks, Media and Programming) every year. Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science elements are covered across every module.
Alongside every module, we focus on a thread of Online Safety, using resources from Project Evolve. These units have been specifically chosen from a range of different themes to meet the needs of our children in an age-appropriate manner. This provides consistent opportunities for children to learn to use technology safely and to have an awareness of the risks associated with using the internet. We respond to the needs of our pupils, adapting our Online Safety provision to meet any arising contemporary challenges, in order to ensure they become competent and confident digital citizens.
We ensure that children make good progress through the Computing curriculum by making regular assessments. The objectives for Age Related Expectations are clearly mapped on assessment grids for each year group and teachers are trained effectively to identify when knowledge and skills are achieved within their classwork. Learning is evidenced in year group Learning Journals and digital work is saved centrally for future reference and knowledge retrieval. Staff are knowledgeable of and well-trained to teach the curriculum through regular CPD.
In Year 4, 5 and 6, children can submit an application to become a Digital Ambassador, identifying the skills that are needed for this role. These children are able to develop both their leadership skills and their Computing knowledge through a series of tailored training sessions, as well as applying this in context; this includes supporting children in their own classes as well as other year groups from EYFS - Y6. Fulfilling this role allows more able to children to display their mastery of the Computing curriculum whilst providing an additional scaffold to their peers that helps to support and maintain the good progress of SEN children.
To maintain good progress from EYFS into KS1, Computing has been considered for each of the seven areas of learning in the EYFS framework, therefore technology is embedded in every aspect of school life. Progressive technological skills and knowledge are developed, giving pupils frequent opportunities to experiment with different types of technology and develop Computational thinking.
Please see below for the curriculum maps for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
Children leave Henley Green with an enhanced and deepened knowledge and understanding of Computing and technology in the wider world. They make rapid and good progress from their starting points and are able to go on to become responsible and safe digital citizens who can share their expertise and enthusiasm with others. They are well prepared for a world in which Computing will be central to their lives as productive and capable adults, allowing them to thrive in the world of work in any profession that they should choose.
Links for parents and carers:
Look at some of the work we have completed in Computing...
EYFS experimented with the interactive table, using different apps to learn about the world around them and practise their letters and numbers.
Year 1learnt about technology in the world around them and are confident logging in to computers. They have painted some beautiful digital portraits of themselves and can type their names!
Year 2 developed their photography and photo-editing skills.
Year 3 used Scratch, making cross-curricular links with their learning in Music.
Year 4 learnt about networks and how to stay safe online.
Year 5 created circuits, using Crumble microcontrollers to make LEDs light up and switch off in different patterns. They even used infinite and count-controlled loops to program our patterns to repeat!
Year 6 created websites using Google Sites, linked to their Topic work on Ancient Egypt. Skills involved included understanding copyright, investigating navigation paths, creating and linking multiple web pages and evaluating their designs. Great job Y6!